Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holtsville Ecology Center & Rescue Zoo

I live on Long Island, This post is about the horrific proposal the Town of Brookhaven is ready to pass with little regard to the people in the community or the animals at this park. The closing of this park is a travesty, The animals that are in this park are mostly disabled and would most likely euthanized some sources say. I myself believe this. There is a fitness track, a greenhouse, playground and recycle center in this one-time garbage dump. The animals have been there and loved for  very long time. My son has gone there since he was a little boy, My husband went there when it was built. He remembers it as a dump, an eye sore to the community. If the park is closed what is to become of it? No one  is saying. Will it be left to return to a nuisance of overgrown weeds & a plight on the community? Or will it be sold to a developer for MORE houses or condos no one can afford. This is ridiculous! Instead of closing this park how about issuing town stickers to residents and charging non-residents  fee. The people in this community and the animals should not pay the price for lousy money managing of the town government. Instead of town cars and paid weekends away maybe some officials should step up and listen to the already fed up masses. We already pay high taxes in this state so give the people this one "luxury" a community park.

The facility houses a Animal Wildlife Center, containing over 100 injured or non-releasable wild and farm animals, Greenhouses, Picnic Area with Playground, Paved Exercise Trail & Town Pool. I urge anyone concerned with this proposed closure to contact your elected Brookhaven officials (http://www....
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